Vaccination is Mandatory Requirement
Saturday, 07 August 2021
تلتزم مدرسة اجيال الدولية بمدينة محمد بن زايد بضمان أن تكون مدرستنا بيئة سعيدة وصحية و آمنة! تماشياً مع تعليمات الهيئة الوطنية لإدارة الطوارئ والأزمات والكوارث بأبوظبي، تقرر أن يكون على جميع الطلاب من عمر (+16) الخضوع للتطعيم الكامل من اجل الدخول للمبنى المدرسي. يمكن لمن لديهم إعفاء من التطعيم دخول المدرسة و يتم التحقق من ذلك عبر تطبيق
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COVID-19 Vaccine
Sunday, 24 January 2021
Today has been a very busy and successful day at Ajyal International School! Over a 100 members of staff and school contractors received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. We would like to say a huge thank you to all of the authorities who are working tirelessly to keep us all safe and healthy. Also,
Sickness/Being Sick Policy
Monday, 12 October 2020
At AJYAL International School, MBZ (AJIS), we pay attention to our students’ health and well‐being. We have reviewed our procedures in regards to children who are sick/get sick either at school or at home. If your child is ill, it is most appropriate to keep them home. A child who is ill will not be
AJYAL International School, MBZ Planned Reopening- AY 2020-2021
Wednesday, 05 August 2020
AJIS’s Guiding Principles for Reopening the school: AJIS MBZ shall reopen its doors to welcome all itsstudents according to the below: AJIS School MissionTo be a safe, learning-centred educational institution The UAE Government decision to reopen all schools. ADEK’s and MOE’s guidelines for reopening: Establishing clear health and safety procedures and guidelines to ensure al