KSA National Day
Friday, 24 September 2021
On behalf of the school management, teachers and students of the Ajyal community we would like to send our heartfelt congratulations to the rulers and people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the special occasion of their 91st National Day. May this year be one filled with prosperity, success and happiness. And May the
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Gratitude Day
Wednesday, 22 September 2021
Happy World Gratitude Day! 💫 Today, it is important to stop and reflect upon what we are grateful for! ⭐️ The teacher at AJIS are extremely grateful to have such wonderful and enthusiastic students who love to learn! 📚 What are you grateful for? 🤔
Coffee Mornings are back!
Thursday, 16 September 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians, Coffee Mornings are back! Starting Tuesday September 14th 2021, the school principal Mr. Mohamad Saad would like to invite you for a Coffee Morning via Zoom at 10:00 AM every Tuesday to discuss your insights and your inquiries during the Academic Year. We will send you the meeting link every Monday afternoon. السادة أولياء الأمور و
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Vaccination is Mandatory Requirement
Saturday, 07 August 2021
تلتزم مدرسة اجيال الدولية بمدينة محمد بن زايد بضمان أن تكون مدرستنا بيئة سعيدة وصحية و آمنة! تماشياً مع تعليمات الهيئة الوطنية لإدارة الطوارئ والأزمات والكوارث بأبوظبي، تقرر أن يكون على جميع الطلاب من عمر (+16) الخضوع للتطعيم الكامل من اجل الدخول للمبنى المدرسي. يمكن لمن لديهم إعفاء من التطعيم دخول المدرسة و يتم التحقق من ذلك عبر تطبيق
Summer Vacation!
Friday, 09 July 2021
Summer is upon us and it is time to reflect on all that we have achieved this academic year! ⭐️ There have been many challenges but our students and staff have shown true determination! 👏🏻 We would like to wish the whole AJIS community a safe and happy summer vacation!
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Graduation Day !
Saturday, 03 July 2021
We are delighted to invite you to the virtual celebration of our Year 13 Graduation! We are so proud of the hard work and dedication shown by our Graduates! We are privileged to present to you the Class of 2021!
Fathers Day
Monday, 21 June 2021
The staff and students of Ajyal International School would like to wish all of the fathers of our school community a very Happy Father’s Day! ‘A father is someone you look up to, no matter how tall you grow.
IGCSE Year 9 Option Assembly
Sunday, 13 June 2021
EXCITING NEWS! 🌟🌟🌟 We are pleased to welcome our Year 9 students and parents to tomorrow’s Options Assembly! 💫 📚 This is your opportunity to find out about the different options available to you and which subjects will beat suite your career dreams! 💫A zoom link will be shared with you via email. See you then! 👋 #AjyalCommitsToWin #LearningForLife #AjyalExperience
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Transition Taster Day
Thursday, 03 June 2021
We are excited to inform you of next week’s Year 6 to 7 TRANSITION DAY! We understand that this can be a concerning and unnerving time in a child’s (and their parent’s) educational journey! We therefore want to make this change feel as smooth and seamless as possible! Our Year 6 students will have the
STEM Competition ‘Formula Ethara at Home’ Winners
Thursday, 03 June 2021
A HUGE congratulations to our students who have won the STEM Competition ‘Formula Ethara at Home’! They have each designed their own reliable and functioning car! 🚘 We are so proud of their hard work and dedication during this exciting process! 👏🏻 We would also like to issue a huge thank you and well done to Ms. Doaa who
- Published in Activities, News